Custom Survey

Custom Survey is a powerful tool to gauge the impact of changes in work culture.

Custom survey is a tool that allows HR or the admin to create surveys tailored to their needs for assessing frequently occurring concerns and/or event-led repercussions with only a few questions.

Need for custom survey

Every organization, regardless of its employee composition, faces operational and functional hurdles during its day-to-day proceedings. Custom surveys allow the HRs to gain insights about the organization-specific subjects and take appropriate measures.

Good to know: Custom surveys are crucial to improve the Employee Satisfaction (ESAT) score and the overall health of the organization.

Here are a couple of examples of the use case of custom surveys:

A custom survey is pivotal to gauge the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the organization. Despite a functional organization, the employees may be potentially nearing a burn-out due to significant operational changes. In this case, a custom survey would help drill down the departments facing the most issues or the most common subject bothering employees across all departments in the organization.

Similarly, if an organization witnesses a mass epidemic breakout amongst its employees which impacts as much as 50% of the workforce, a custom survey can help reach out to the rest of the employees to gauge their workload and sentiment during such trying times.

Thus, a custom survey is also useful for HRs and admins to get stock of concerns like Work from Home setup, COVID Pulse Check, and Dynamic Work Environment, among several other concerns hampering the progress of the organization.

If you want to check the pulse of the entire organization, you can conduct an eNPS survey for accurate results.

Framing custom survey

PeopleCues allows the admin to frame two types of questions while framing a Custom Survey:

  1. 4-point Likert scale question

    A 4-point Likert scale contains 4 options, ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.

  2. Qualitative question

    A qualitative question allows the audience to provide detailed feedback from their perspective.

Creating a custom survey

Note: Please ensure that the hierarchy is correct. The tool does not allow the process of survey creation in case of any errors in the hierarchy, like missing managers or cyclic loops.

Step 1: Go to the Survey tab and click on the Create Survey option.

Note: Create Survey button would only be enabled for the subscription users. For subscription users, please contact us at

Step 2: Find the relevant template that you want to roll out or create your own survey by selecting Create Custom Survey option.

Note: You have the liberty to add or remove the questions from the template surveys to tailor the template according to your requirements. You can also re-arrange the questions by dragging them in your desired order.

Note: You have the liberty to add or remove the questions from the template surveys to tailor the template according to your requirements. You can also re-arrange the questions by dragging them in your desired order.

Step 3: Select the audience for whom you want to create the survey.

Note: You can select either of the two options in the “Who is this survey for?” option:

1. Employee’s full org

This option allows you to select the entire organization or cherry-pick the various departments under the founders and as specified in your organization hierarchy. Once selected, you can also include the selected manager in the survey by clicking the toggle option on the right side of the page under the Selected manager's section.

2. Employee’s direct reports

Select Employee’s direct reports option if you want only the people reporting directly in the organization chart to the employee.

Step 4: Once you have selected the desired audience, press the Continue button to add questions.

Step 5: You can now add custom survey questions by clicking on the + Add a custom question option. In case you chose a template custom survey, you can review the pre-existing questions before adding more to the survey.

Step 6: Add a custom question pop-up that will guide you in selecting the type of questions that you want to ask in the survey. A drop-down menu will give you the choice between a 4-point Likert scale question and a qualitative question.

Type your qualitative question and its short text for question in the section below to Add question.

Note: While framing custom 4-point Likert scale questions, admins should take care to frame their questions with a positive tone.

e.g. Suppose you want to ask your audience about receiving managerial support and assistance to cope with situations induced by the pandemic.

The appropriate question would be “My manager has been checking-in and offering all support required in this situation” instead of a statement “I feel over-worked and burdened with little or no support from my manager’s end."

Step 7: Once you have added your particular set of questions, select the Preview & Continue button to preview all the questions in a new pop-up. You can re-arrange the order of the questions or go to Next Step if you’re satisfied. In case you wish to edit a question, you can select the Edit Questions button to go back. After doing the needful, you may again Preview & Continue to the next step.

Step 8: Add Basic Details to differentiate your Custom Survey by giving it a unique name, specifying the date and time for the start and the end of the survey.

Step 9: The Preview & Schedule window will display the particulars of the survey with the option to edit, in case of dissatisfaction. Once previewed, select the Schedule Survey option to schedule the Custom Survey.

Note: Under the Communications tab on the Preview & Schedule window, you can also Preview the Survey launch email. Through the Survey reminder email service, the 10xPeople tool will also intimate and remind the non-respondents to fill the survey in time for accurate results.

Last updated