OKR Visibility Controls

While OKRs are all about alignment, accountability and transparency in the real world, there are use cases in which org leadership or specific teams don't want to reveal information around OKRs that is sensitive in nature.

Some of the use cases :

  • Leadership wants everyone on the 'Objectives' module but also wants to limit access to detailed strategic initiatives to a few individuals. Example - Company is raising funds and OKRs are being owned by CEO’s office team. Therefore, the visibility is restricted to only the CEO and the CEO’s office team.

  • Make some Key Results private within an overall Objective. Example - The HR function has certain attrition and comp benchmarking related KRs that they want to keep private while the parent objective of improving eNPS is public.

  • Create and track stealth projects with visibility access to only a few users. Example - Product/R&D teams working on a project for which the visibility access is only to the Product/R&D team.

  • Sales numbers of a sales team should be visible to only that team and no other team. Example - Within Region A sales team, reportees can view the manager numbers but not each other's numbers.

  • Assign aspirational goals to my reportees without exposing the actual numbers. Example - As a Sales Leader, I have INR XX as the target, but I assign my reportees higher numbers to create a buffer while cascading.

Through the Visibility Controls, the user has complete control of visibility for Objectives and Key Results for which they are the owner/creator.

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