Lock Objectives
If your organisation links OKRs to performance reviews, you might need to lock the edits on objectives at the end of the quarter to preserve the status snapshot.
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If your organisation links OKRs to performance reviews, you might need to lock the edits on objectives at the end of the quarter to preserve the status snapshot.
Last updated
Admins can lock a quarter or an objective cycle once the quarter has ended. Once a quarter is locked, the following fields in a KR become non-editable; objective title, metrics, dates, description, owners, teams, check-ins.
Note: A user can write a new comment, linking an objective, and moving an objective even within a locked quarter.
Only admins can lock and unlock objectives of a given cycle.
To lock an objective: Step 1: Once a quarter or an objective cycle has ended, admins will see the Lock Objectives button on the top right corner instead of the usual Create Objective.
Step 2: Click on the Lock Objectives button to lock all objectives from any further modifications by anyone. Confirm locking objectives by clicking on Proceed to Lock Objectives button in the confirmation pop-up to proceed. You will receive a confirmation message once the objectives are locked.
In all objective cycles that are locked you will see a banner indicating the locked status as well as the admin who performed the operation.
How to unlock an objective?
Step 1: Click on Unlock Objectives button present on top right corner.
Step 2: Click on Yes, Unlock Objectives for confirmation.
Once done, you will see a confirmation message that objectives are unlocked for modifications.
When a user wants to modify objectives of the previous quarter/cycle, they need to first navigate to that cycle using the objective cycle dropdown. When they click to change a cycle, they see a locked icon next to respective cycles.
On entering into a cycle, all users will see a banner in the top middle of the screen informing them that objectives are locked for this cycle. They are told what lock means, who locked and when.
Non-admins can contact admins to request to unlock objectives so that they can make modifications.
On clicking Contact admin, one is taken to the user list page where they can copy the email id of admins and contact them outside the tool.
When the lock is removed, things go back to business as usual.
Locking and unlocking is an admin-only feature.
Any admin can lock and unlock objectives.
Admins can find out who locked and unlocked it and when it happened at a given time.