OKR Strength

Maximize alignment and transparency to achieve ambitious goals.

OKRs are the Objective and Key Results that help in setting goals for the org while focussing on business alignment and transparency to achieve ambitious goals. OKR strength in creating a new objective journey emphasises how strong is the objective based on the user's inputs.

OKR strength check-ins

There are a check-ins to help build create a rich OKR while creating a new objective:

  1. Add Objective title

  2. Add metrics to track the progress on your OKRs

  3. Add team to your objective to group OKRs together

  4. Add tags to filter relevant OKRs quickly

  5. Add details to your objective in the objective description column.

To view OKR check-ins, hover over the strength meter on the bottom of the objectives window.

PeopleCues prescribes users to follow the OKR strength meter to create rich OKRs for better results.

Last updated