Nominate Peers

Nominate peers to participate in the review cycle.

PeopleCues allows the self reviewer to nominate their peers to participate in the review cycle. Selected peers fill the review and help the Manager accurately and holistically evaluate an employee's performance in the org.

Self reviewer will only receive the option to nominate peers if the Performance Administrator has enabled the option.

To nominate peers for the review cycle:

Step 1: Go to Reviews section and click on Open Review option given against the live review cycle.

Step 2: Click on Add new option in the Nominate Peers Section to nominate your peers for the review cycle.

Step 3: Once you click on the Nominate Peer option, you will be able to access a list of employees in the org whom you may nominate to participate in the review cycle as peers. You can also select your peers by using Filters such as: 1. Team 2. Department.

Click on the Nominate Peers option on the bottom of the pop-up window to update your choice.

Best practices for nominating peers:

  • Ideally you should nominate a peer when you have worked extensively with them in the org.

  • You should nominate a peer to receive developmental feedback to help grow furthermore in the org.

  • Professional relations and feedback opportunities should be weighted more than personal relations.

  • Nominated peer should have a good mix of colleagues from various departments and teams.

Last updated