Filters by objective attributes

Quickly view Objectives by applying filters as per your preference.

Some of the filters available on PeopleCues are:

Filter by Date Ranges

You can filter the objectives view by date ranges.

To filter objectives by date ranges: Step 1: Click on the date period drop-down on the left-side of the Objectives window.

Step 2: Select the date range as per your preference. PeopleCues allows users three settings for the date range:

  1. Quarter: You can select the quarter - Q1, Q2, Q3, and so on - to view the objectives.

  2. Annual: You can also view the objectives distributed annually.

  3. Custom: You can customise the date range by selecting the start date and the end date in the boxes given in the custom range column.

Filter Starred Objectives

Filter by other attributes

You can filter the objectives view by multiple other attributes :

  1. Review

  2. Objective Status

  3. Progress

  4. Teams

  5. Tags

  6. Negotiation State

  7. Owner

  8. Company Objectives Filter

  9. Public Objectives

  10. Tree Levels

Last updated