Publish Review for reportees

Democratize the access of sharing review results to the managers for their direct reports.

Why is publish review for direct reports useful?

  1. This is created to allow managers to publish review forms for their directs themselves, one by one.

  2. This will enable managers to have a conversation for delivering performance review feedback to the employees at their own pace. Additionally, Managers can deliver the feedback as they are having conversations with their directs, removing the wait time between feedback delivery and looking at the form. This also enables their direct reports to reflect on the feedback and plan their growth.

If the admins have enabled publish for managers then an email is received by the managers notifying them to publish review for their direct reports. A slack notification also gets sent to the managers.

On Clicking the Go to PeopleCues button the managers can publish the reviews for their direct reports. The following videos demonstrate how to do it.

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