Fill Self Review

A self-review is crucial, for it allows an employee to reflect on their accomplishments and mistakes in the past. It paves the way for two-way communication between an employer and an employee.

Note: Depending upon the process being followed at your company you will have to fill reviews under 1 or more of the following categories- Objectives, Competency, Functional Skills and Open Questions.

Steps for filling reviews broadly follow the same workflow as specified below:

Step 1: Click on the category tab - Objectives, Competency, and Open Questions - that you want to review.

Step 2: View each category with its associated metric and specifications.

Step 3: Fill in the review for the particular attribute. You have options to format your text (Bold,Italics and Underline) and add emojis as well.

Step 4: Scroll down and repeat the above-mentioned steps for the next category.

Objective Review

All the objectives that were submitted as part of the appraisal process are visible here .You can skim through the objective details, its progress and the weightage assigned. As part of the self review process you can:

  • provide a rating against an objective.

  • provide answer for the question ->"What went well and what could have been improved"

Competencies Review

All the Competencies that are expected in the reviewee's role are visible here which are defined by your organisation . As part of the manager review process you can:

  • provide a rating against each competency.

  • provide answer for the question ->"How did <Name of the reviewee> perform on this competency?"

The workflow for filling a Competency Review is same as specified above.

Open Questions

As part of the appraisal process you need to

  • provide comments against each open question.

  • provide a rating against each open question(if required) .

The steps for filling Open Questions are same as above.

Last updated