Performance analysis graph
Performance analysis graph help determine an employee's performance in the org with respect to their team members and other departments.
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Performance analysis graph help determine an employee's performance in the org with respect to their team members and other departments.
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Managers can get a visual representation of the ratings received by the number of employees reporting to them through 3 kinds of graphs:
Bar Graph
A bar graph is helpful in getting a quick glance of performance evaluation in the org.
2. Line Graph
A line graph helps identify the change in value with respect to the employees.
3. Bell Curve
A bell curve is essential in identifying the top performers in the org, as well as the low performers.
Calibration & Analytics tool allows you to compare and analyse data points by helping filter necessary information. To use filter:
Step 1: Click on the Filter button on top of the performance analytics graph to access the detailed settings view. You can also select the graph view based on Department selection and a particular Rating received by the employees.
Step 2: Select any filters like, Designation, City, Department, etc. based on the comparative results required.
PeopleCues also allows managers to compare and analyze employees' performance across different parameters, like department, demographics, etc.
Comparative performance analytics allows managers to analyze whether there is any bias in the org.
The manager can change and select the following graphs to analyse the performance:
Bar Graph
Line Graph
Bell Curve.