Helps standardize processes across all functions within the organization.
commentsCalibration helps standardize performance feedback and reduce biases across all functions and departments, enabling a fair and meritocratic process.
Why is performance calibration important in a review cycle?
The calibration process is crucial for performance reviews because:
Helps eliminate bias Calibration helps eliminate any biases that may influence a manager's decisions and review ratings.
Provides a holistic view of rating variance to the performance administrator The calibration process offers a comprehensive view of the overall rating distribution across different managers, helping improve accuracy and consistency in the review process.
Boost the credibility of the review cycle Performance calibration ensures employees trust the fairness and impartiality of the review process, thereby strengthening the credibility of the appraisal cycle.
Calibration for performance administrator
The Calibration tab for the performance administrator provides an overview of the calibrated ratings within the organization, offering insights into talent distribution. Through this tab, a performance administrator can view:
Rating approval status by skip-level managers
Performance rating distribution across teams and departments
Employee details with the relevant parameters to assess
Talent card & Employee form for a comprehensive review
Rating approval status by skip-level managers
This segment provides the following details:
Approved Ratings: Displays the number and percentage of employees whose ratings have been approved.
Pending Ratings: Shows the number and percentage of employees whose ratings are currently under calibration and awaiting approval.
Declined Ratings: Indicates the number and percentage of employees whose ratings were declined during the calibration process.
Performance Rating Distribution
Performance admin can access an overview of the performance rating distribution across the organization.
The performance analytics graph is essential for identifying the number of underperforming, average, and high-performing employees.
The admin has access to three types of rating distribution graphs:
Bar graph
Line graph
Bell curve
Employee details
The performance administrator can also access employee details with relevant parameters to facilitate healthy calibration discussions. This section provides three key types of information:
Current Review Feedback
Past Review ratings
The admin can customize the view within each type by selecting relevant parameters using the Manage Columns feature.
Talent card
A talent card encapsulates detailed information about an employee, including the rating, promotion status, and comments given by their manager to enable line managers or skip managers to make certain types of decisions. It also has to link to view the complete employee form.
For more information on talent card, click here.
Last updated