Add sections that would be part of the review.
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Add sections that would be part of the review.
Last updated
The most crucial part of creating a review journey is to pick the sections that must be part of the review cycle, which will help evaluate the performance appraisal of an employee.
The questions module of the review cycle includes four categories:
All the 3 categories are optional, and the Performance Administrator can determine which categories to include for an effective review cycle and evaluate a reviewee.
Objectives are the defined goals in an org that help in the growth of the business and achievement of targets. These objectives are defined for a period of time, which generally tend to vary from each review cycle, depending on the org.
Objectives help evaluate an employee's performance by measuring their progress on goals and achievements and their contribution to the organization's growth.
Objective period: You can specify the objective period to include all the objectives created during the specified time for the review cycle. You can also customise the inclusion of objectives by manoeuvring the start and end date to have the objectives set before the review cycle period.
Edit Objectives last date: You can also specify the time until users can make edits or check-in their objectives. The last date to edit objectives can be either until review start date or until self submission date.
Objectives reviewers: Objectives reviewers include the employee's Manager, Self and Peers who can review the objectives.
Allow ratings for objectives: You can also select whether objectives should be rated by the reviewers. Once you toggle on the ratings for objectives, you can set: (i) Ratings scale settings: Set the rating scale from 0 or 1 to desired numerical value, e.g. 5. (ii) Number of steps between values: Set the the grade scale values from the number of options given in the drop-down, like 1 step, 2 steps, and so on. (iii) Auto calculate ratings based on progress toggle: Calculate the rating number based on the objective progress range achieved. (iv) Add labels toggle: Add label to each rating and its descriptions. (v) Required toggle: Decide whether it mandatory or not for reviewers to give ratings.
Competencies of an employee determine the work-attitude of an employee, zeal to take responsibilities and provide quick solutions, and the overall behaviour of the employee in an org.
Competency reviewers: You can select who all can review competencies for an employee for the review cycle - Manager, Self, and/or Peer.
Allow ratings for competencies: You can also determine whether ratings should be given for employee competencies.
Open questions allow the Performance Administrator to customise the review cycle and advance subjective questions to effectively evaluate the reviewee. Rules are subject to differ for each question. The administrator also has the liberty to either rate the question or capture the view-point of the reviewer.
To add an open question, you can click and type in the Enter your question box, select reviewers, and visibility settings to continue.
Open question reviewers: Selected reviewers will be able to review the questions. The admin can pick all or in between Manager, Self and Peer.
Visibility: You can define who all can view the responses to the questions. There are two options: (i) Default visibility: By default, Manager, Self and Peer can view the comments. (ii) Set custom: You can customise who all can view the responses. Set custom category also allows admins to manually set whether Reviewee, Manager, Skip-Manager, or Peer can view the responses post publishing, never, or pre and post publishing.
Allow ratings for this question: You can select whether open questions ratings should be allowed or the space be used to capture responses of the reviewee.
Once you have made the necessary selections, click on Next to continue.