Roles and Permissions
This page provides an understanding of the different roles that exist on PeopleCues.
We have the following roles on PeopleCues:
Goals Administrator
Usually, Chief of Staff or Strategy Leader is made a Goals Administrator
This user can make anyone a goals administrator and can create company objectives, manage OKRs and define access rules for the objectives module
Performance Administrator
Usually, Senior HR managing review cycle is made Performance Administrator
This user can make anyone a performance administrator and can create and manage review cycles
Engagement Administrator:
Usually, Senior HR managing employee engagement is made Engagement Administrator
This user can make anyone an engagement administrator or a survey creator. They can create and manage the org level and follow-up surveys, view participation and publish all survey reports.
Survey Creator
Usually, HRBPs managing surveys/AMAs are made Survey Creators
This user can make anyone a survey creator and can create, manage and view participation on the org level as well as follow up surveys.
Survey Admins
Survey admins can create and edit surveys, view results, and share survey reports for specific survey templates.
Usually an IT member tracking active users is made the Administrator
This user can make anyone an Admin, and manage user-level data
HR Business Partner (HRBP)
Usually, HRBPs who must have visibility into their org's engagement and employee sentiment are tagged as HRBP.
Hierarchy based roles
Members can have different roles based on their position in the org hierarchy which are as follows:
Manager: A person with people reporting under him/her
L1 leader: A person who is reporting to a founder
The next section highlights how to assign the above roles.
Last updated