Org health heatmap
Know exact areas to improve your eNPS. This helps you in understanding what matters to your eNPS, your scores, and benchmarks against the ecosystem.
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Know exact areas to improve your eNPS. This helps you in understanding what matters to your eNPS, your scores, and benchmarks against the ecosystem.
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Org health is determined by the eNPS and the heatmap helps you to understand the reason behind your eNPS.c There are 14 themes in the heatmap distributed across 4 different boxes (Org Principles, Processes, Practices, People) and you can deep-dive under each theme to peel more insights across different departments & managers.
10xPeople tool allows Super HRs and leaders who have been granted access of eNPS survey report to view and understand the org health heatmap to help improve their eNPS.
To view the org health heatmap:
Step 1: Go to the Reports section in the dashboard.
For Super HRs:
By default, the reports section of eNPS for Super HRs displays the org health heatmap for the entire org.
For managers:
The report section displays the org health heatmap for the manager's respective org only, which also includes heatmaps for other managers falling under their hierarchy.
Note: The org health heatmap is available for the overall org report and the manager's level report. Every manager's/leader's heatmap is based on the responses of people under the leader (direct & indirect reportees).
To make your life easier, we have added three things against a theme:
Colors (Green, Amber, Red): To quickly identify the strengths & development areas of your org
Themes in green are your org's core strength
Themes in amber are the areas where you need improvement. Callout areas where employees are saying we can improve
Themes in red are the fix immediately areas for your org
Significance (thunder icon): Themes with a thunder icon are the most important themes for your org eNPS. These themes are more likely to have the biggest impact on eNPS. This helps you to go beyond the high and low-scoring themes. This also helps you in prioritizing the most impactful areas in action planning. Let's understand how significant themes are determined.
Benchmark (Q4 - top, Q3, Q2, Q1 - bottom): Benchmark helps you understand your scores comparison with respect to other companies in the ecosystem
Q4 (top quartile) - you are in the top 25 percentile (75-100 percentile)
Q3 - you are in the 50-75 percentile range
Q2 - you are in the 25-50 percentile range
Q1 (bottom quartile) - you are in the bottom 25 percentile (0-25 percentile)
Besides having access of the entire org's health heatmap, as a Super HRs you can also access org health heatmap for all the leaders in the org.
To access org health heatmap for other leaders:
Select the Org Heatmap dropdown menu and select the leader from the options whose org heatmap you'd like to access.