Create your first survey with 10xPeople in less than a minutes with the following easy steps.
Note: Please make sure the hierarchy is correct and functions are assigned to all the L1 leaders. If not, then the tool won't allow creating a survey.
Step1: Go to the survey management tab (3rd icon in the left panel)
Step2: Click on "Create Survey" from the center or top-right most corner of the screen
Note: Create Survey button would only be enabled for the subscription users. For non-subscription users, please contact us at support-10xpeople@xto10x.com.
Step3: Find the relevant template that you want to roll out or create your own survey using the Create Custom Survey option
Step4: Select the Create survey option in the pop-up if the org-hierarchy is correct
Step5: Select the audience, add/remove questions, add the name, select start, & end date. Preview the details and hit Schedule.
Not activated
Survey creation started but not scheduled yet
Not yet live
Survey is scheduled to go live at the start date
Survey is live
Survey has been closed and the results are ready
Survey results have been published with the L1
leaders (L1 leaders will only be able to their org
report unless they are super-HR)
Select the survey from the survey management dashboard that you wish to edit.
Note: A survey with only Not yet live status can be deleted. Once the survey goes live, a survey can't be deleted.
The start/end date can be changed from the details page of the survey. Click on the survey from the survey management dashboard and change the start/end date.
Note: The End date can only be changed when the survey is in the "In Progress" state (before the survey ends). Once the survey ends, the end date field won't be editable.
If new people have been added to the tool or a few people have been removed or managers have been changed for a few existing people, then the user can sync the hierarchy and update the new hierarchy for a survey from the audience tab on the details page of the survey.
Step1: Click on the Sync Changes button on the audience tab
Step2: Confirm the Sync Changes in the confirmation pop up and hierarchy update is done
Note: The audience can be only updated before the survey start. Post survey start, changes on the audience page won't be allowed.
Once the survey is closed, the report can be published to the L1 leaders. L1 leaders will get access to view their org report.
The report can be published in 2 ways:
Publish Report button on the dashboard
Publish Report button on the details page
Step by step guide for people to onboard team members on 10xPeople
After sending an invite, team members will receive an email from 10xPeople to accept the invite.
Steps to sign-up:
Click on the Accept Invite button in the email
A link will open where the user has to set the password and name
A verification code will be triggered to the user's email to verify the user's identity
Enter the code from the email
Post verification, the tool will ask the user to share his/her profile details: Gender, Location, Month & year of joining (this information will help the organization to analyze demographics insights)
The user has been onboarded to the tool and once the survey is live in the organization, the user will receive an email to fill the same
10xPeople is an elegant and powerful tool to build a high performing culture.
Gather the pulse of your organization and understand what drives the employees
Like any good product, the org you are developing needs continuous data-driven measurement. 10xPeople helps you in listening to your employees and understanding their engagement levels.
Slide & dice your data by teams to focus your efforts
10xPeople provides actionable insights on various elements of the organisation such as org policies, team dynamics, and manager working styles. It also provides deep insights on issues by segmenting data by teams.
Democratisation of insights: Leader level dashboards
From the 15000+ data points, we've seen managers have the biggest impact on employee NPS. 10xPeople provides simple & insightful report to Leaders that help them easily understand what is working well and what they need to change to build a high performing culture in their teams.
The “PRD” approach to building a high-performance startup culture.
Building an org/team is a lot like building a house as depicted in Exhibit-1 (4 health pillars of building your dream org)
Org Principles: You lay the foundation by defining Org Principles describing the type of org you want to build, why behind it, and the ways of working.
Processes & Structures: This pillar determines how effectively teams in your org come together & deliver the business objectives to enable growth at scale.
Practices: Practices have the power to reinforce the right behaviors in culture. Key components in the practices help you to determine can employees deliver on their roles with the current capabilities, processes, and motivation level.
People: People pillar determines how efficiently leaders and managers enable teams & the organization to deliver the impact.
Journey of an organisation & employees during an eNPS survey
10xPeople eNPS survey is a comprehensive organization health check and there are multiple touchpoints with different employees during the eNPS survey.
Survey start: Based on the start date & time selected, a survey will be launched and all the employees will receive a notification for the survey launch. Here is the survey launch email template.
Employee journey for the survey: Once an employee clicks on the Go to survey button from email, the employee will be redirected to the 10xPeople tool. If the employee is registered on the tool, it will take the employee directly to the survey. If the employee is not registered yet on the tool, it will ask the employee to sign-up & then it will take the employee to the survey. Here is the sign-up journey of an employee.
Touchpoints when the survey is live
Reminders: Tool sends an automated reminder every Monday & Thursday at 9 AM to all the employees who have not completed the survey.
Leadership participation summary: To drive participation, the tool sends a participation summary email to all the L1 leaders, super-HRs, and admins. Email captures the org level participation and the participation of all the L1 leaders' org. Here you can find the template of the email.
Survey extension: Survey can only be extended when the survey is in the In Progress state (before the survey ends). Here is how you can extend the survey.
Survey results Debrief after the survey end: Our people excellence team will do a detailed debrief with the founders & HR team to assimilate everyone with the results, go deep into the focus areas, and provide recommendations for focus areas. Post the debrief, they will share the report with the super-HRs and super-HRs can share the report of managers with them. Sharing report with managers brings accountability, creates transparency, and enables them to identify blind spots.
This page provides an understanding of the different roles that exist on 10xGoals.
We have two roles on 10xGoals:
Super HR (by default, founders will have Super HR role)
Super HRs and admins have special access to the tool. For more info on admin settings click below:
Members can have different roles based on their position in the org hierarchy which are as follows:
Manager: A person with people reporting under him/her
L1 leader: A person who is reporting to a founder
The next section highlights what activities can be done by these roles.
List of Activities
Roles who have access
Super HRs, Admins
Make someone admin
Super HRs, Admins
Make someone Super-HR
Super HRs only
Creating an org level survey
Super HRs, Admins
Creating a manager barometer survey
Edit the survey
Super HRs, Admins
Delete a survey
Super HRs, Admins
View participation of a survey
Super HRs, Admins
Publish Report
Super HRs
View Report
Super HR
This report gives an overview of people participated in the survey.
Participation of employees is critical for any survey. This gives the confidence that people have raised their voices.
2 ways to access:
Survey management dashboard: Click on the participation of a survey and access the report
Reports page: Click on the participation number in the top-right most corner on the reports page and access the report (first select the survey from the top-left drop-down)
This report gives an overview of the number of people who participated and also enables the drill down by L1 leaders and managers in the hierarchy.
L1 leaders will also able to access the participation report of their respective org and they can further drill-down the participation by managers in the hierarchy.
Note: A name will only be clickable in the above table if there are managers below that person.
Below are a few steps to help admins quickly onboard their orgs.
10xPeople is an "invite-only" tool and only super-HRs and admins can invite users. Invite people through the "Invite" button on the main navigation header.
2 ways to invite people:
Upload a CSV file: Instructions to prepare a CSV file
Pur column headers names for employee & manager email columns as employee_email and manager_email respectively
Ensure each employee record has a correct manager email
Founder(s) do not report to a manager. In such instances, put founder in the manager_email column
Invite by email: Invite individuals by providing their email and manager email
To update the manager of one of the existing users, use this option and provide the new manager email in the Manager email field
Re-invite pending users (those invited to the tool but haven’t signed up yet)
2 ways to reinvite:
Bulk reinvite: Invite button -> Pending members -> Reinvite all
Individual reinvite: Invite button -> Pending members -> 3-dots menu -> Reinvite
Invite button -> Active / Pending members
Hover on the Role field of a user -> Click on the drop-down
Select the desired role
View the org hierarchy based on the manager mapping provided in the invitation flow
Invite button -> Org Hierarchy
The red dot in the above picture against "Org Hierarchy" represents the hierarchy is incomplete. It could be because of 2 reasons:
Functions not assigned to one of the L1 leaders
Errors in the hierarchy
L1 leader (people reporting to the founder) heads a big function/department in an organization. 10xPeople enables to add function tag against the L1 leader.
Assigning Functions helps in the comparison of the scores between multiple surveys. For example, Person-A was heading Technology at the time of the survey-1 and during the survey-2, person-B is heading the Technology function. In the 2nd survey, scores comparison of Person B with Person A will help in getting the picture of the Technology function
Examples of function: Business, Operations, Strategy, CEO's office
Note: Only 1 function tag can be assigned to an L1 leader
Download to fill out the data
Make better people decision with the 10xPeople report
Breakdown of the report:
Org Health Heatmap: Heatmap tells you about the org culture and what you can do about it. Each theme on the heatmap represents a different theme pertaining to the respective pillar of the Greek temple (only available for the full org level report not for the manager's/ leader's report)
Dashboard: The dashboard page provides the employee NPS score & benchmark, key positive and negative factors of eNPS, and other factors. It page helps you identify the actionable & insights at a manager level.
Deep dive: Report also enables you to further deep dive into your scores by demographics. Allows you to identify the sentiment of different employee groups categorized by demographics (tenure, gender, location, etc)
Participation: The last piece is the participation data for each manager's org (the full tree under a manager)
Know exact areas to improve your eNPS. This helps you in understanding what matters to your eNPS, your scores, and benchmarks against the ecosystem.
Org health is determined by the eNPS and the heatmap helps you to understand the reason behind your eNPS.c There are 14 themes in the heatmap distributed across 4 different boxes (Org Principles, Processes, Practices, People) and you can deep-dive under each theme to peel more insights across different departments & managers.
10xPeople tool allows Super HRs and leaders who have been granted access of eNPS survey report to view and understand the org health heatmap to help improve their eNPS.
To view the org health heatmap:
Step 1: Go to the Reports section in the dashboard.
For Super HRs:
By default, the reports section of eNPS for Super HRs displays the org health heatmap for the entire org.
For managers:
The report section displays the org health heatmap for the manager's respective org only, which also includes heatmaps for other managers falling under their hierarchy.
Note: The org health heatmap is available for the overall org report and the manager's level report. Every manager's/leader's heatmap is based on the responses of people under the leader (direct & indirect reportees).
To make your life easier, we have added three things against a theme:
Colors (Green, Amber, Red): To quickly identify the strengths & development areas of your org
Themes in green are your org's core strength
Themes in amber are the areas where you need improvement. Callout areas where employees are saying we can improve
Themes in red are the fix immediately areas for your org
Significance (thunder icon): Themes with a thunder icon are the most important themes for your org eNPS. These themes are more likely to have the biggest impact on eNPS. This helps you to go beyond the high and low-scoring themes. This also helps you in prioritizing the most impactful areas in action planning. Let's understand how significant themes are determined.
Benchmark (Q4 - top, Q3, Q2, Q1 - bottom): Benchmark helps you understand your scores comparison with respect to other companies in the ecosystem
Q4 (top quartile) - you are in the top 25 percentile (75-100 percentile)
Q3 - you are in the 50-75 percentile range
Q2 - you are in the 25-50 percentile range
Q1 (bottom quartile) - you are in the bottom 25 percentile (0-25 percentile)
Besides having access of the entire org's health heatmap, as a Super HRs you can also access org health heatmap for all the leaders in the org.
To access org health heatmap for other leaders:
Select the Org Heatmap dropdown menu and select the leader from the options whose org heatmap you'd like to access.
Understand your eNPS and its drivers with the help of dashboard and org health heat map.
Find your eNPS and know where you stand with benchmarking against the startup ecosystem. Also, find the breakdown of eNPS by departments/ functions in your organization.
Along with the eNPS breakdown, know the strengths of your eNPS (the factors increasing your eNPS). These are the factors that highly influence your eNPS and your employees are happy with these factors.
Also, it helps you with the decreasing factors of your eNPS where you have the scope of improvement. These factors also influence highly your eNPS but your employees are not happy with these factors.
Significant themes are the most important themes for your eNPS and this allows an org to focus on the most important areas of your org health.
In the heatmap, you would have seen a few themes with a thunder icon (high significance to eNPS). These themes are the most important themes for your org eNPS and are more likely to have the biggest impact on eNPS.
How do we identify significant themes?
Significant themes have at least one question that has a significant impact on the eNPS, ie, are the drivers of eNPS.
How does the tool identify eNPS drivers?
Based on your people’s input on quantitative and qualitative questions, the attribution model assigns relative importance to each question based on their influence on eNPS and picks the top-6 questions that drive the eNPS most
Let's look at a specific example. In one of our works with a customer, despite scoring low on "Work-Life Balance" for many years, investments in this area had not led to an overall improvement in the eNPS of the organization. When we saw the drivers of eNPS, it revealed that Work-Life balance wasn't as big a driver at this organization. No matter how much it was improved, it wasn't what made employees engaged with the organization. What was more important to employees was autonomy to take decisions. This was a high-growth startup. Giving ownership to make decisions is what engaged employees. If you work for a high-growth startup, that's the mission you connect with. By spending resources on Work-Life balance, the organization risked disengaging employees. It was possible people would see this as waste, despite the low rating.
Top-6 themes account for 70-75% of the eNPS attribution and the rest 50 themes account for 25-30%
We use NLP based sentiment analysis to incorporate the feedback from qualitative inputs into the attribution model
Where can we find the top-6 questions in the report?
Questions captured in the increasing factor and decreasing factor on the dashboard page
Why do all of my managers have the same top-6 questions?
It is important for an org to be focused on the org-led priorities and improve the scores at each manager level. Each manager will still see their own scores on these top-6 questions and they can create action plans on the areas with the scope of improvement.
Why thunder icon is disabled for my org health heatmap?
As mentioned above, the attribution model requires much larger samples to identify the top-6 questions. When the sample size is small and statistically insignificant, we don't apply the recommendation from the attribution model. In such scenarios, we recommend focusing on themes with red and amber colors. To make your life easier in such scenarios, we show the high and low scoring questions in the dashboard because these are the questions where people are highly engaged/disengaged.
Understand what drives your theme score and where to plan interventions in your org.
Full eNPS survey measures health on 14 important themes for the organization and the theme scores page helps in identifying what drives the theme score & where you can plan the interventions to improve your theme scores.
Organization Health Heat Map: Click on any of the themes from the heat map
Overview drop down on the dashboard page
The theme score page helps you to identify how you are doing at an overall level on a particular theme & also helps with 2 other things:
How well you are doing in each question inside a theme (a theme is comprised of questions in the survey). In the above image, each column represents the question (except the first 2 columns)
How teams of the leaders/managers in the org are doing on this theme & questions. In the above image, Dinesh, Jin, & Richard are the founders. The first row represents the score of the full org & the subsequent rows represent the scores of the org of each founder. You can click on any of the founder's rows & drill down scores further in their org hierarchy
Drill down of scores by org hierarchy is one of the powerful tools to identify which part of your org needs attention on what areas (themes/questions). The above image clearly highlights Dinesh's org has more room for improvement than Jin & Richard's org (Dinesh's org has the lowest score).
Sorting in the above table is another powerful capability. Sort any of the columns & identify which part of the org has more scope of improvement.
When a manager is viewing the theme score page, the following rows will be present in the table:
Overall (1st row): Represents the score of his/her full org (full team reporting under a manager in the org hierarchy)
Direct reports (2nd row): Represents the score from the responses of direct reports (reporting to the manager directly)
Subsequent rows: Represents the scores from the responses of the org of direct reports (if they are a manager)
If the manager is the last level manager (nobody reporting to him/her beyond direct reports in the org hierarchy), then only the Overall row would come.
The theme is comprised of multiple questions in the survey. On average, 3-4 questions are there in each theme. Theme score is calculated by averaging the scores of the questions in the theme. For the above image, there are 4 questions in the Performance & Rewards theme and each question has its own score. Theme score is calculated by averaging the scores of these 4 questions.
The Managers theme is treated a little differently from other themes. The managers theme score is calculated based on the responses of the team to the Manager recommendation question. We call this as Manager Recommendation Index (MRX).
*Manager recommendation question: On a scale of 0-10, how likely would you recommend your manager to friends and colleagues?
Note: For previous surveys (before 20th November), you would see mNPS instead of MRX. To represent the manager's effectiveness, MRX is a more accurate indicator than mNPS. Here's what will become better with MRX:
Well-suited for small teams: MRX averages the responses and prevents drastic movements in a manager's score
Easy correlation with underlying questions in the manager theme: Effective representation over mNPS
There are 3 types of questions in the survey:
Likert questions: There are 4 options in Likert questions and it helps understand the level of agreement of employees (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree). Each of the options is assigned with weights (0, 2.5, 7.5, 10) and the score is calculated by the average of these weights based on the responses of employees on a question.
NPS question (eNPS): Question with a scale of 0-10 and the score is calculated using NPS framework (%promoters - %detractors). Employees who mark 9 or 10 are classified as promoters; those who select 7 or 8 are passives, and everyone whose response is 6 or below is a detractor. The eNPS is arrived at using the following formula: % of promoters – % of detractors.
Manager recommendation question (MRX): The scale of this question is also 0-10 and the score is calculated by the simple average of the responses of employees on this question
Bring the visibility around survey participation to the leadership team and the ability for individual leaders to increase participation in their respective org.
Higher participation ensures that survey results are truly representative of the organization's health. It also provides the best opportunity for actionable insights.
To drive the participation, we have introduced the leadership participation summary email feature. 10xPeople sends the participation summary to the leadership team (L1 leaders), all the super-HRs, and admins. It solves 3 purposes:
Brings visibility to the leadership team about the participation rate in their respective org and participation at an organization level
Allows leaders to further deep-dive in their organization chart to find the teams that have lower participation
Leaders can share the survey link with their respective team members to drive participation
Highlights in the email:
Survey participation at an org level
Participation of all L1 leader's org
Survey link for the leaders to share in their respective team
Survey end date
View participation button for the leaders to deep-dive into the participation of their respective's org
Email frequency: 2 times a week (Tuesday and Thursday at 12 PM)
Email Audience:
L1 leaders (managers reporting to the founder)
Note: This email is only available for eNPS surveys for now. Soon, we will build this email for other surveys.
Allows you to conduct a deeper analysis of employee sentiment through demographic data.
The deeper analysis of employee sentiment in the reports section gives a detailed and heatmap output of the eNPS survey based on demographic segments. This last section in the eNPS survey report allows users to view question/theme scores based on the selected demographic.
For instance, you want to compare and analyze theme scores for some of the departments. The deeper analysis table allows you to add filters and select department segments in the rows and columns section to analyze employee sentiment in the org.
By default, the deeper analysis table displays eNPS survey scores for all the departments in the org based on the themes of the questions.
You can also download the deeper analysis report into a .csv file and share it with others in the org. *To download the CSV file, click on the download symbol adjacent to the Score/Delta options.
Highlights the segments with scope for improvement as well as positively influencing segments.
The highlights section of deep dive emphasises the cohort of employees and segments with scope for improvement.
For instance, you want to see the segments with low eNPS in the org. Instead of giving an overview like eNPS distribution, highlights sorts the demographic segments scoring the lowest in comparison to the org eNPS with details like segment survey participation, eNPS score, comparison with org eNPS and org score.
With reference to the above image, the female segment in the org is scoring the lowest eNPS by 7 points in comparison to the org eNPS.
The 10xPeople tool allows you to view highlights by sorting the highlights into two variants:
High scores: The high score segment displays all the data points scoring higher than the org eNPS and overall org score. To view the segments with high deviation from the org score you can select the 'High scores' option in the highlights on the top right corner.
2. Low scores: The low score segment displays all the data points scoring lower than the org eNPS and overall org score to underline the top impacting segments affecting the survey score. To view the segments with low deviation from the org score, you can select the 'Low scores' option in the highlights section on the top right corner.
eNPS category: The first section in the highlights displays the segments with low or high scoring eNPS depending on your sorting. The eNPS category also details the demographic distribution, the number of responses over a total number of employees under that demographic, and their comparative scores.
Other questions category: The second section in the highlights displays the demographic segments with low/high scores for the rest of the questions in the survey. The other question category in highlights displays the detailed scores on all the questions asked in the survey, where the middle column displays the text for each question.
eNPS distribution in the deep-dive section allows you to view demographic wise eNPS of the org.
eNPS is the north-star metric for the organisation, which comprehensively reflects the org health. Additionally, eNPS distribution helps broadly identify the touch-points in the org that require redressal to improve the overall score while highlighting the positively influencing segments.
The deep dive section of the eNPS survey report displays eNPS distribution by different demographics and based on the selected criteria like department, gender, employee type, location, etc. Therefore, the eNPS distribution graph enables accessing a demographic rich report to narrow down the pain point segments in the org.
For instance, with reference to the image below, the two departments fall below the org eNPS line, which are Learning Experience and Marketing, thereby instantly helping identify the maximum scope for improvement in the org.
Note: x-axis in the above graph is sorted by the size of the segment in the selected demographic.
Besides gathering a quick overview of the low-performing and problematic segments in the org, the eNPS distribution graph also provides the following details:
Org's eNPS: The graph displays the overall org's eNPS score to help identify other segments' performance in the org.
y-axis: The y-axis of the graph represents the eNPS score.
x-axis: The x-axis displays all the segments in a selected demographic.
View drop-down: The dropdown lets you select the different demographic & view the eNPS distribution.
Hover on score bubble: The graph also allows you to hover over a particular bubble to see the participation percentage, the number of employees who are part of the segment and the number of employees that participated in the survey.
Deep dive is a powerful tool which allows analysis of the survey score based on demographic data.
Deep dive offers Super HRs and leaders/managers to analyse survey scores based on the demographic data of the employees. The report allows an opportunity to identify the sentiment of different employee segments categorised on the basis of demographic data (tenure, gender, location, department, sub-department, etc).
Deep dive provides 3 features to analyse survey scores:
Custom Survey is a powerful tool to gauge the impact of changes in work culture.
Custom survey is a tool that allows HR or the admin to create surveys tailored to their needs for assessing frequently occurring concerns and/or event-led repercussions with only a few questions.
Every organization, regardless of its employee composition, faces operational and functional hurdles during its day-to-day proceedings. Custom surveys allow the HRs to gain insights about the organization-specific subjects and take appropriate measures.
Good to know: Custom surveys are crucial to improve the Employee Satisfaction (ESAT) score and the overall health of the organization.
Here are a couple of examples of the use case of custom surveys:
A custom survey is pivotal to gauge the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the organization. Despite a functional organization, the employees may be potentially nearing a burn-out due to significant operational changes. In this case, a custom survey would help drill down the departments facing the most issues or the most common subject bothering employees across all departments in the organization.
Similarly, if an organization witnesses a mass epidemic breakout amongst its employees which impacts as much as 50% of the workforce, a custom survey can help reach out to the rest of the employees to gauge their workload and sentiment during such trying times.
Thus, a custom survey is also useful for HRs and admins to get stock of concerns like Work from Home setup, COVID Pulse Check, and Dynamic Work Environment, among several other concerns hampering the progress of the organization.
If you want to check the pulse of the entire organization, you can conduct an eNPS survey for accurate results.
A company-wide event drives a custom survey. Therefore, the outcome of the custom survey or the Report Overview summarizes the employee feedback on the concerned event.
The report of the custom survey helps identify the areas for improvement in the organization that may decrease the overall org health. It also highlights the subjects demanding immediate redressal to improve the health of the organization.
Note: Please ensure that the hierarchy is correct. The tool does not allow the process of survey creation in case of any errors in the hierarchy, like missing managers or cyclic loops.
Step 1: Go to the Survey tab (2nd icon in the left panel).
Step 2: Click on Create Survey from the top-right most corner of the screen.
Note: Create Survey button would only be enabled for the subscription users. For subscription users, please contact us at support-10xpeople@xto10x.com.
Step 3: Find the relevant template that you want to roll out or create your own survey by selecting Create Custom Survey option.
Note: You have the liberty to add or remove the questions from the template surveys to tailor the template according to your requirements. You can also re-arrange the questions by dragging them in your desired order.
Step 4: Select the Create Survey option in the pop-up if the organization hierarchy is correct. If the errors in the hierarchy persist, they must be fixed before you continue the custom survey creation journey. After you fix the hierarchy, you will have to restart the process from Step 1.
Step 5: Select the audience for whom you want to create the survey.
Note: You can select either of the two options in the “Who is this survey for?” option:
1. Employee’s full org
This option allows you to select the entire organization or cherry-pick the various departments under the founders and as specified in your organization hierarchy. Once selected, you can also include the selected manager in the survey by clicking the toggle option on the right side of the page under the Selected manager's section.
2. Employee’s direct reports
Select Employee’s direct reports option if you want only the people reporting directly in the organization chart to the employee.
Step 6: Once you have selected the desired audience, press the Continue button to add questions.
Step 7: You can now add custom survey questions by clicking on the + Add a custom question option. In case you chose a template custom survey, you can review the pre-existing questions before adding more to the survey.
Step 8: Add a custom question pop-up that will guide you in selecting the type of questions that you want to ask in the survey. A drop-down menu will give you the choice between a 4-point Likert scale question and a qualitative question.
Step 9: Type your qualitative question and its short text for question in the section below to Add question.
Note: While framing custom 4-point Likert scale questions, admins should take care to frame their questions with a positive tone.
e.g. Suppose you want to ask your audience about receiving managerial support and assistance to cope with situations induced by the pandemic.
The appropriate question would be “My manager has been checking-in and offering all support required in this situation” instead of a statement “I feel over-worked and burdened with little or no support from my manager’s end."
Step 10: Once you have added your particular set of questions, select the Preview & Continue button to preview all the questions in a new pop-up. You can re-arrange the order of the questions or go to Next Step if you’re satisfied. In case you wish to edit a question, you can select the Edit Questions button to go back. After doing the needful, you may again Preview & Continue to the next step.
Step 11: Add Basic Details to differentiate your Custom Survey by giving it a unique name, specifying the date and time for the start and the end of the survey.
Step 12: The Preview & Schedule window* will display the particulars of the survey with the option to edit, in case of dissatisfaction. Once previewed, select the Schedule Survey option to schedule the Custom Survey.
Note: Under the Communications tab on the Preview & Schedule window, you can also Preview the Survey launch email. Through the Survey reminder email service, the 10xPeople tool will also intimate and remind the non-respondents to fill the survey in time for accurate results.
Journey of an HR to create a custom survey.
Create your first custom survey with 10xPeople by following this easy step-by-step guide.
10xPeople allows organizations to create a custom survey with ease and offers updated templates for frequently used surveys. Therefore, the admin has two types of surveys to pick from:
Templatized Surveys
10xPeople tool provides template surveys for organizations. These are modelled and curated on subjects and common concerns seen across a majority of organizations.
Templates for Custom Surveys assist in evaluating a quick check on the organization’s health.
2. Customized Survey
The Custom Survey option allows you to conduct a unique and customized survey with your choice of question set from scratch.
The 10xPeople tool allows the admin to frame two types of questions while framing a Custom Survey:
4-point Likert scale question
A 4-point Likert scale contains 4 options, ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.
Qualitative question
A qualitative question allows the audience to provide detailed feedback from their perspective.
Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:
Accessing and interpreting the custom survey report to deduce the overall satisfaction and feedback of the org.
The custom survey report page gives insights at the manager level and helps identify the actionable concerns based on predefined concerns and functions.
Note: Reports will not be generated for the surveys with less than 3 responses to protect anonymity.
Find your Employee Satisfaction (ESAT)* score in case of templatized custom surveys and know the overall sentiment of the organization.
The Report Overview is the tabular data collated from the responses received in Custom Survey, where all the scores are on a scale of 1-10.
The breakup of the score is accessible by clicking on the manager’s name in the column.
The conversion method for the org health heatmap in 1-10 Likert score varies for each template, which is as below:
2. eNPS conversion logic:
Green - 40-100
Amber - 0-40
Red - <0
3. ESAT and other themes conversion logic:
Green - 7.5-10
Amber - 6-7.5
Red - 0-6
Manager recommendation question conversion logic:
Green - 9-10
Amber - 7.5-9
Red - 0-7.5
To access the detailed custom report:
Step 1: Click on the desired manager or department’s name in the Report Overview table.
Step 2: You will be redirected to exclusive Report Overview for the concerned department with short text questions and their corresponding scores.
Step 3: Click on the question or concern of your choice to view the complete question in a pop-up with its exact number of responses under the 4-point Likert scale.
The custom survey report helps identify the exact areas to improve your ESAT* through an objective and concise survey result. Every attribute or particular is in a range of colors denoting:
Green – Organizations’ core strengths
Amber – Areas that need improvement. Callout areas where employees believe that the organization can improve
Red – Areas that require immediate attention and fixing in the organization
Helps offer an overview of the subjects addressed across L1 leaders and managers.
A custom survey report gathers all the reported information in a structured and objective manner to help HRs deduce the concerns arising among employees in the organization.
For instance, a custom survey report will objectively summarize all the responses collected in the survey conducted to gauge the impact of COVID-19 on the organization and its employees' well-being. Such a report will help HR identify the particular managers or departments facing a dip in their org health and subsequently take remedial measures.
10xPeople custom survey tool features three sections in the custom survey report:
Overall satisfaction score The overall satisfaction score accounts for the rating for all the subjects in the survey. However, it is only calculated if the user selects one of the template surveys.
ESAT score
The Employee Satisfaction score is available only if the user uses any of the two template custom surveys made available on the 10xPeople tool, which are:
(i) WFH Pulse Check (ii) Covid Response Pulse Check
Question-wise score
All the quantitative questions asked in the survey are on a 4-point Likert scale, which is later converted into a 1-10 response scale score in the final report. The custom survey report allows you to examine scores for each of the particulars under different managers, where each column represents a question and each row represents the leader for whom the survey is conducted. HR can further select the desired manager and examine the score-breakdown with respect to the employees reporting to the selected leader.
Qualitative feedback
The qualitative response sheet carries the responses for all the qualitative questions asked in the survey. These responses are on overall and department-wise categories, which are downloadable.
Overview of employee participation in the survey.
A survey participation report gives an overview of the employee participation percentage in the rolled-out survey.
Employee participation is crucial for any survey to determine the accuracy of the organization’s health and for the representation of employee sentiment.
A participation report is accessible to HR through 2 means:
Survey management dashboard: Click on the participation of a survey and access the report.
Reports page: Select the survey from the drop-down menu on the top left corner to open its particulars. Once opened, click on the Participation tab appearing at the top of the page to access the participation report.
The participation report gives detailed information about the number of responses collected from selected L1 leaders and managers. The report is only accessible to HR but its selected access can be given to L1 leaders through the Report Access option when the survey has been completed (top right-most corner). In case the survey is in progress, HR cannot share the participation reports with anyone else.
The next stage after generation of reports is the analysis process.
The dashboard in the reports section displays the overall ESAT score and the question page.
Each collated score is in three color codes – green, amber, and red – denoting the severity of responses.
The question score page helps HR identify the employee sentiment at an overall level. This score is calculated on the basis of questions asked in the survey.
Besides displaying an overview of the overall employee sentiment, the question score page also details:
How well are the participants doing or feeling under every question set in the survey. For instance, in the above image, each column displays the questions asked in the survey and their corresponding overall scores are in the following row.
How well a particular L1 leader or manager’s team is doing under each particular in the survey. Admins can also access the overall ESAT score for every department in the organization under the ESAT Score column.
In the above image, Alex, Bethany, and Cindy are the L1 leaders. The first row represents the overall score of all the departments subject to the survey. However, the subsequent rows represent the score of the organization of each manager. You can click on any of the leader’s rows and drill down scores further in their organization.
Note: Drill down of scores is a significant tool to narrow down the aspects that need more attention and improvement in an organization.
The report overview table follows a hierarchical display of responses that assists in drilling down particular departments or employees under certain managerial leadership facing issues in the organization.
For instance, in the above report overview, the corporate department has as many as 99 employees reporting to Alex Stein.
Once you click on the corporate department’s profile, you will be led to another report overview with all the team reporting Alex Stein’s org. This report is a hierarchical representation of the org and displays the corresponding responses received by each manager’s org that affect the overall rating for each question asked in the survey.
To drill down further, let’s say you sort the ESAT score in a decreasing order to examine the manager’s org facing the lowest employee satisfaction.
This method re-orders Ashley Richardson’s org on top reflecting the lowest ESAT amongst all.
On clicking Ashley Richardson’s profile, you will again be led to another report overview with particular managers under his leadership contributing to his overall ESAT score.
However, just before the manager’s org report, there will also be a row with direct reports. Direct reports signify the responses of employees directly reporting to that manager, and in this case, people directly reporting to Ashley Richardson. Therefore, direct reports are the representation of all the managers’ sentiments towards the survey who are directly reporting to Ashley.
Finally drilling down to Amni Bass’s org with the lowest ESAT score in the report overview, you will be directed to the root-cause issues causing employee dissatisfaction in the organization for Alex Stein’s corporate department.
Note: Sorting in the above table is another helpful tool that immediately brings forth the department or leadership in need of attention.
Frequently asked questions on custom survey journey.
What is a custom survey?
A custom survey is a tool that allows HR or the admin to create surveys tailored to their needs for assessing frequently occurring concerns and/or event-led repercussions with only a few questions.
When should I use a custom survey?
HRs must use the custom survey tool to gain insights about org specific changes like the impact of an unprecedented health hazard like COVID-19, or the impact of operational changes like the implementation of work from home structure on the org's overall health.
What are the different types of custom surveys?
There are two types of surveys that are available for the users:
Templatized surveys
Customized surveys.
How can I create a custom survey?
Survey tab -> Create survey -> Select template surveys or custom survey option to begin custom survey creation journey.
How can I access survey participation report?
(i) Survey management dashboard -> Participation tab
(ii) Reports tab on dashboard -> Dropdown menu -> Select survey -> Participation tab.
How can I access custom survey report?
Reports tab on dashboard -> Dashboard tab.
Improving and testing the org health after conducting custom survey.
The ESAT score provides attributes for improvement in the organization. It assists in future decision-making by identifying the areas and/or management that require attention.
The factors marked in Red in the custom survey report demanding immediate action. These factors contribute to decreasing employee satisfaction in the organization and thus, require instant redressal.
For instance, the custom survey report for COVID-19's impact on the org health helps identify concerns arising in the org that impact the overall health. Once narrowed down HR should implement remedial measures for combatting the issues and improving the survey scores. After implementing remedial measures, HR must conduct another custom survey to verify whether the remedies are improving the org health or not.
There are two axes to identify the areas for ESAT improvement:
Vertical axis
If any component in the vertical axis of the tabular data in Report Overview is red, it implies that the concern is organization-wide and needs immediate action.
Horizontal axis
If any component in the horizontal axis or along the column of the tabular data is red, it implies that a particular manager’s department is impacting the overall ESAT score of the organization. You can suggest the concerned department or L1 leader take measures to improve ESAT and launch a separate survey to gauge the satisfaction status.
To resolve the issues arising in the organization, HRs might want to speak to other HR leaders to help them arrive at a solution.
After the solution implementation to combat issues in the org, HRs should conduct a fresh custom survey to check whether the scores have improved or not.
Create a safe space for your employee opinions
"AMA" stands for "ask me anything." It refers to a type of Q&A session used by leadership to engage with the employees, allowing them to ask questions on top of their mind, in a safe and secure environment.
Some use cases for AMA:
For Founders, CXOs : During weekly/monthly town halls or events within the organization.
For Leaders, Managers: While doing informal meetings with their teams or getting feedback on any important topic.
For Organizations : Communication with an external guest during fireside chats or webinars.
Find out and address the top questions, concerns or suggestions of your team.
Make the most of AMA with the following key features:
Option for completely anonymous/ non anonymous AMAs
Gatekeeping through email login and passwords
Intuitive mobile and desktop-friendly interface
Interactive spaces for employees to comment, sort, and upvote questions
Easily shareable on internal communication channels (emails, Slack, MS Teams, etc.)
Step 1: Log onto the 10xPeople tool at people.xto10x.com and then click on the Survey Management tab. From there, go to the top left button called “Go to AMA” and click on “Create AMA” on the top right corner.
Step 2: You need to fill up the fields in the Create AMA popup to move forward.
Give a Name to your new AMA. Example: Org wide town hall - 30th Sept.
Give the end date of the AMA. You have the freedom to change the end date at any time later as well (before the AMA gets closed).
The following are the key features to help run the AMA session smoothly.
Enable Email Login
This gatekeepers the AMA through email login, i.e. only employees within your company domain will be able to access.
Note: The AMA will still be truly anonymous. Email id will only be used to gatekeeping.
Disable Anonymous responses:
By default the AMA is truly anonymous, but if you want to disable anonymous responses, you can disable using this button. The names of the authors will be auto populated through the email ID of the user.
Typically used as a secondary gatekeeping mechanism. Also used to secure the AMA within an organization.
Example: If you want the Tech team in your org to use AMA, you can keep a specific passcode for them to access.
After you have filled in all the required details, click on Create AMA Button. “AMA successfully created” popup shows up to make sure you have created your AMA.
Your AMA session is now live! It will show up in the 10xAnswers dashboard with an Active status.
There are 2 ways of copying the link for the AMA:
You can copy directly after creating AMA from the “AMA successfully created” popup.
The link to share the AMA is available in the Action section of the 10xAnswers dashboard as well.
You can then share the copied link across existing org-wide communication channels (emails, Slack, MS Teams, internal comms channel, etc.)
Employees can open the link on their mobile or laptop to share their opinions/questions.
When any user will click on the AMA, they will be prompted to enter the passcode or login via email (if configured in settings), otherwise will be redirected to the page below, where they will be able to type questions and have the option to go anonymous.
Audience can post questions, upvote, comment and answer as many times as they want.
Tip 1: Create and share the AMA with the audience, 5-7 days in advance from the event so that the audience gets enough time to ask and respondents get enough time to prepare.
Tip 2: Share the AMA link multiple times to get maximum inputs from the people in the organization.
Tip 3: Use AMA to check on your employee’s sentiments in these tough times.
Townhall/ All-hands: Regular Ask me Anything sessions with the founders/leaders promote transparent communication and good org culture
Panel Discussions/ Fireside Chats: Gather the top questions from the audience and use them to engage the discussion
Organizational change: There may be a merger or acquisition or functional changes in the org, AMA is super powerful to get quick feedback
Before any Event: To clear doubts about what is going to happen in the upcoming event
After any Event: To collect feedback about what went right and what went wrong after an event
Org in a crunch: If a problem emerges or anything goes wrong, you can use AMA to crowdsource feedback from employees and use the upvote mechanism to identify the pressing concerns
Virtual Suggestion Box: AMA can act as a suggestion box to get feedback
Great managers = great teams!
The secret behind great teams is great managers.
Manager barometer empowers managers to set up the continuous feedback loop with their team (direct reports) and understand the team's feelings and needs. The manager barometer report shows the overall sentiment of the team and where the biggest opportunities lie for the team's development.
Managers with less than 3 direct reports will not be able to create surveys
Click on the survey management icon in the sidebar (3rd icon from the top)
Click on the "+Create a survey" button
Check the audience and in case of any change, please contact the admins/super-HRs of your organization
Clicking on "Contact Admin" will take you to the People page and from there you can find out the admins/super-HRs
Check the list of questions (if needed, there is an option to add custom question)
Put the survey name, start date, and end date
You can change the start/end date after scheduling the survey
Preview the survey details and schedule
The survey will be launched on the specified start date & time and all the team members will receive an email with the survey link to share the feedback.
Locate the manager barometer survey report:
Click on the report icon from the sidebar (2nd icon from the top)
Select the survey from the dropdown in the top left of the reports page.
Report will not be generated for the surveys with less than 3 responses (to protect anonymity)
Report of the 1st manager barometer survey will help in setting up the baseline (what is your MRX, strengths, and opportunity areas), and the subsequent surveys report will help in measuring the needle movement (areas with the progress).
The manager barometer report starts with the MRX. This gives the overall sentiment of the team. The team members would have received the manager recommendation question in the manager barometer survey. We have seen in the past that MRX >= 8.5 is a good score.
MRX Question text in the survey: On a scale of 0-10, how likely would you be to recommend your manager to your friends?
MRX score is calculated by averaging the responses of people who have responded to the survey
There are also other quantitative questions in the survey where an employee can share their level of agreement. For example, for the effective 1-1 conversation question ("My manager has effective 1-1 conversation with me"), employees can choose one of the options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. Based on the employee's responses, a score would be calculated for each question.
10xPeople categorize the scores based on the threshold below:
0 to 6 = Low (highlighted in red) 6 to 7.5 = Average (highlighted in yellow) 7.5 to 10 = Good (highlighted in green)
In the last, there is feedback from the qualitative question responses data. Qualitative feedback provides additional context to understand why behind the scores shown above.
Once you have done multiple surveys, then the report shows the needle movement and highlights the comparison of the scores from the past survey.
Go to the tool and log-in